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In simple terms, models are a representation of a database table in the format of an object declared by the language implementing.

User models

Integrating with Edgy, Esmerald already provides some of the models that helps you with the initial configuration.

  1. AbstractUser - The base user class containing all the fields required a user.
  2. User - A subsclass of AbstractUser


Extenting the existing User model is as simple as this:

from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum

from edgy import Database, Registry, fields

from esmerald.contrib.auth.edgy.base_user import User as BaseUser

database = Database("<YOUR-SQL-QUERY_STRING")
models = Registry(database=database)

class UserType(Enum):
    ADMIN = "admin"
    USER = "user"
    OTHER = "other"

class User(BaseUser):
    Inherits from the BaseUser all the fields and adds extra unique ones.

    date_of_birth: datetime = fields.DateField()
    is_verified: bool = fields.BooleanField(default=False)
    role: UserType = fields.ChoiceField(

    class Meta:
        registry = models

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{} - {self.role}"

async with models:
    # Create the db and tables
    # Don't use this in production! Use Alembic or any tool to manage
    # The migrations for you
    await models.create_all()

    await User.query.create(is_active=False)

    user = await User.query.get(id=1)
    # User(id=1)

This is a clean way of declaring the models and using the Edgy docs, you can easily understand why this is like the way it is.

Meta class

There are way of making the models and the registry cleaner, after all, you might want to use the same registry in different models across multiple applications in your codebase.

One way and a way Esmerald always recommend, is by leveraging the settings.

Leveraging the settings for your models

Let us use the same example but this time, we will be using the settings. Since you can access the settings anywhere in the codebase.

Check it out the example below and how by using the settings, you can literally leverage Esmerald with Edgy.

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from functools import cached_property
from edgy import Registry

from esmerald.conf.global_settings import EsmeraldAPISettings

    from edgy import EdgySettings

class AppSettings(EsmeraldAPISettings):
    # this strategy works only when there is a single set of models (no clashing model names, no redefinitions)
    # otherwise have a look in esmerald tests how it is solved
    def registry(self) -> Registry:
        return Registry("<YOUR-SQL-QUERY-STRING")

    # optional, in case we want a centralized place
    def edgy_settings(self) -> "EdgySettings":
        from edgy import EdgySettings

        return EdgySettings(preloads=["myproject.models"])
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum

from edgy import fields

from esmerald.conf import settings
from esmerald.contrib.auth.edgy.base_user import User as BaseUser

models = settings.registry

class UserType(Enum):
    ADMIN = "admin"
    USER = "user"
    OTHER = "other"

class User(BaseUser):
    Inherits from the BaseUser all the fields and adds extra unique ones.

    date_of_birth: datetime = fields.DateField()
    is_verified: bool = fields.BooleanField(default=False)
    role: UserType = fields.ChoiceField(

    class Meta:
        registry = models

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{} - {self.role}"
import sys

from esmerald import Esmerald, Include

def build_path():
    Builds the path of the project and project root.
    """  #
    SITE_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    if SITE_ROOT not in sys.path:
        # in case of an application model with apps
        sys.path.append(os.path.join(SITE_ROOT, "apps"))

def disable_edgy_settings_load():
    os.environ["EDGY_SETTINGS_MODULE"] = ""

def get_application():
    Encapsulating in methods can be useful for controlling the import order but is optional.
    # first call build_path
    # this is optional, for rewiring edgy settings to esmerald settings
    disable_edgy_settings_load()  # disable any settings load
    # import edgy now
    from edgy import Instance, monkay
    from esmerald.conf import settings

    monkay.settings = lambda: settings.edgy_settings  # rewire
    monkay.evaluate_settings_once(ignore_import_errors=False)  # import manually

    # now the project is in the search path and we can import
    registry = settings.registry

    app = registry.asgi(

    monkay.set_instance(Instance(registry=registry, app=app))
    return app

app = get_application()

You simply isolated your common database connection and registry inside the globally accessible settings and with that you can import in any Esmerald application, ChildEsmerald or whatever you prefer without the need of repeating yourself.

User model fields

If you are familiar with Django then you are also aware of the way they have their users table and the way they have the fields declared. Esmerald has a similar approach and provides the following.

  • first_name
  • last_name
  • username
  • email
  • password
  • last_login
  • is_active
  • is_staff
  • is_superuser

The functions available

Using simply this model it does not bring too much benefits as it is something you can do easily and fast but the functionality applied to it is already something that would require some extra time to assemble.


The following examples assume that you are taking advantage of the settings as decribed before.


from pydantic import EmailStr

from edgy import monkay

async def create_user(
    first_name: str, last_name: str, username: str, email: EmailStr, password: str
) -> User:
    Creates a user in the database.
    registry = monkay.instance.registry
    async with registry:
        User = registry.get_model("User")
        user = await User.query.create_user(
        return user


from pydantic import EmailStr
from edgy import monkay

async def create_superuser(
    first_name: str, last_name: str, username: str, email: EmailStr, password: str
) -> User:
    Creates a superuser in the database.
    registry = monkay.instance.registry
    async with registry:
        User = registry.get_model("User")
        user = await User.query.create_superuser(
        return user


from pydantic import EmailStr

from eddy import monkay

# Check if password is valid or correct
async def check_password(email: EmailStr, password: str) -> bool:
    Check if the password of a user is correct.
    registry = monkay.instance.registry
    async with registry:
        User = registry.get_model("User")
        user: User = await User.query.get(email=email)

        is_valid_password = await user.check_password(password)
        return is_valid_password

Because you are using the User provided by Esmerald, the same object is also prepared to validate the password against the system. If you are familiar with Django, this was based on it and has the same principle.


from pydantic import EmailStr
from edgy import monkay

# Update password
async def set_password(email: EmailStr, password: str) -> None:
    Set the password of a user is correct.
    registry = monkay.instance.registry
    async with registry:
        User = registry.get_model("User")
        user: User = await User.query.get(email=email)

        await user.set_password(password)

The same for setting passwords. The User already contains the functionality to set a password of a given User instance.

What happened

Although the way of using the User table was intentionally designed to be simple there is in fact a lot going on behind the scenes.

When using the create_user and create_superuser behind the scenes it is not only creating that same record and storing in the database but is also hashing the password for you, using the built-in Esmerald password hashers and this is a life saving time and implementation.

Esmerald also provides the set_password and check_password functions to make it easier to validate and change a user's password using the User instance.

Password Hashers

Esmerald already brings some pre-defined password hashers that are available in the Esmerald settings and ready to be used.

def password_hashers(self) -> List[str]:
    return [

Esmerald uses passlib under the hood in order to facilitate the process of hashing passwords.

You can always override the property password_hashers in your custom settings and use your own.

from typing import List

from esmerald import EsmeraldAPISettings
from esmerald.contrib.auth.hashers import PBKDF2PasswordHasher

class CustomHasher(PBKDF2PasswordHasher):
    All the hashers inherit from BasePasswordHasher

    salt_entropy = 3000

class MySettings(EsmeraldAPISettings):
    def password_hashers(self) -> List[str]:
        return ["myapp.hashers.CustomHasher"]


You can use any migration tool as you see fit. It is recommended Alembic.

Edgy also provides some insights in how to migrate using alembic.

General example

More examples and more thorough explanations how to use Edgy can be consulted in its own documentation.